‘Split the Pot’ FUNDRAISER
In the absence of in-person selling during Covid, Football Manitoba offered it’s members and outside non-profit organizations the opportunity to participate in a “50/50 style” online fundraising opportunity. Eligible organizations received a share of any profits of tickets sales through their organization.
Participating clubs and non-profits have received over to $200,000 over the past three years as their share of Football Manitoba fundraising activities!
Tickets are all sold online through our digital partner site at Funding Change. Each organization received a unique seller link to the website which will ensure that they receive credit for any ticket sales made using their unique link. SPLIT THE POT has not been confirmed for 2022 as we anticipate our huge MEGA RAFFLE to return this year.
If you wish to participate, please email finance@footballmanitoba.com for more information or to arrange for your organizations seller code(s)!