SPORT Insurance

Insurance benefits are provided by BFL Canada through the Football Canada Program of Insurance


Provides medical coverage to participants to cover the cost of physical or psychological injuries in an accident. It allows participants who are victims of permanent injuries to receive compensation for injuries and for paramedical expenses.


Protects your sport or leisure organization from various risks such as accidental third party bodily injury, third-party property damage, errors and omissions or any other risk that could jeopardize your business and for which you could be held liable.


Running a sports organization involves making management decisions. Whether you are acting as a GM, coach, league official etc, your decisions can be challenged by players, parents, other teams, other leagues etc leading to potentially costly litigation. A D&O policy protects you, your sports organization and its coffers from management related litigation.

Click to view or download forms

General Policy Information

Sport Injury Claim Form


 Certificate of Insurance

Insurance Certificates
From time to time our members may need to rent a facility (such as a gym) for a football related activity, and will usually be asked to provide a certificate of insurance or COI, to provide assurance that your insurance coverage will also cover any damages (for example) for the owner, management or landlord of the facility, by naming them as an “additional insured”.

COI requests may be submitted directly to Football Manitoba